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Email template changes in Alfresco

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I'm trying to edit the link of the `task-edit` of the e-mail that is sent to the assignees of the task. I see that in the file `wf-emails.html.ftl` but in `Data Dictionary -> Email Templates -> Workflow Notification` inside Alfresco admin account. How can I edit this file through a module of Alfresco (all-in-one for example, in the amp's)…

I put in the

> module-context.xml


      <bean id="customSpacesBootstrap" parent="spacesStoreImporter" singleton="true" >
            <property name="useExistingStore">
            <property name="bootstrapViews">
                        <prop key="path">/${spaces.company_home.childname}/${spaces.dictionary.childname}/${}</prop>
                        <prop key="location">alfresco/module/repo-amp/bootstrap/config_email_templates.xml</prop>

> config_email_templates.xml

    <view:view xmlns:view=""
               xmlns:cm="" xmlns:app=""
        <cm:folder view:childName="cm:My First Folder">
            <app:uifacets />
            <cm:name>My First Folder</cm:name>
            <cm:title>My First Folder</cm:title>
                <cm:content view:childName="cm:custom_email_template.ftl">
                        <cm:titled />
                        <cm:author />
                        <app:inlineeditable />
                        <cm:description>This is a custom email template.</cm:description>
                        <cm:title>My first email template</cm:title>

And in the

> custom_email_templates.ftl

I put the template with edits.
But the email doesn't edits.

How can I do this?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hi pat9rv3sousa,

Were you able to get it working?? I want to replace all the existing email templates in alfresco with my custom ones, please let me know.
