Coming back to an old topic.
We are currently upgrading our 5.11 codebase to use the current 5.15.1 release, and I would like to get rid of the mail patch.
When speaking of 'activiti attribute' do you mean something like:
<serviceTask id="sendMail" activiti:type="mail" activiti:throwMailException="false">
or something like:
<activiti:field name="throwException" expression="false" />
But even more important, in my previous patch I wrote the information about the exception into a process variable, so that it can be used later in the workflow, e.g. by a gateway:
private void handleException(ActivityExecution execution, String msg, Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
execution.setVariable("EMAIL_ERROR", Boolean.TRUE);
execution.setVariable("EMAIL_ERROR_MSG", msg);
Would that be acceptable?