01-26-2011 08:49 AM
01-26-2011 10:12 AM
The elements in the Site Type pulldown box on the Create Site page is generated by an array called in create-site.get.js (which you'll find in the share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/modules directory). The array definition looks like this:
var sitePresets = [{id: "site-dashboard", name: msg.get("title.collaborationSite")}]
The id refers to a site definition in an XML file, and title.collaborationSite refers to the title text defined in create-site.get.properties. Say you want to add a new Site Type called "Project Site". Change the definition of sitePresets to this:
var sitePresets = [{id: "site-dashboard", name: msg.get("title.collaborationSite")},{id: "project-site-dashboard", name: msg.get("title.projectSite")}];
Now edit create-site.get.properties (found in the same directory) and add a line defining the title text for the new Site Type:
title.projectSite=Project Site
Finally, you'll have to create the actual site definition. Edit presets.xml (in the share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-data/presets folder). Copy the entire definition that starts with the line "<preset id="site-dashboard"> and down to the corresponding </preset> tag, and change the id to "project-site-dashboard" (or whatever you want to call your site definition).
04-29-2011 11:02 AM
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