Avant de commencer je voulais mentionner ma version d'alfresco 4.2.c /windows 2008 server pour le serveur distant,et IE8/IE9 comme navigateur. Donc mon problème c'est lorsque je clique sur le bonton editer en ligne ,il m'affiche qu'il est entrain de télécharger le document en ouvrant l'Office Word 2010 ,mais y a rien de contenu,et aprés quelques secondes il m'affiche un message d'erreur comme suit
Vous avez déjà de la chance que le bouton fonctionne : https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ALF-17295 Il manque tout simplement l'action JavaScript coté Share (fichier alfresco.js) : <javascript>/** * Creates a url for online editing with sharepoint. * * @method Alfresco.util.onlineEditUrl * @param vtiServer {Object} (Required) Vti Server config object * @param vtiServer.protocol {String} (Optional) The protocol to use (Defaults to the current page's protocol, i.e. "http" or "https") * @param vtiServer.host {String} * @param vtiServer.port {Number} * @param vtiServer.contextPath {String} * @param location {Object} (Required) Object describing the location of the file to edit * @param location.site {Object} Object describing the site the file is located in * @param location.site.name {String} The shortname of the site the file is located in * @param location.container {Object} Object describing the container the file is located in * @param location.container.name {String} The name of the container the files is located in * @param location.path {String} The path to the file inside the container * @param location.file {String} The name of the file to edit * @return {String} The url to where the document can be edited online */ Alfresco.util.onlineEditUrl = function(vtiServer, location) { // Thor: used by overridden JS to place the tenant domain into the URL. var tenant = location.tenant ? location.tenant : ""; var onlineEditUrl = vtiServer.host + ":" + vtiServer.port + "/" + Alfresco.util.combinePaths(vtiServer.contextPath, tenant, location.site ? location.site.name : "", location.container ? location.container.name : "", location.path, location.file.replace(/#/g,"%23")); if (!(/^(http|https):\/\//).test(onlineEditUrl)) { // Did they specify the protocol on the vti server bean? var protocol = vtiServer.protocol; if (protocol == null) { // If it's not set, assume it's the same as Share protocol = window.location.protocol; // Get it without the trailing colon, to match the vti property form protocol = protocol.substring(0, protocol.length-1); }
// Build up the full HTTP / HTTPS URL onlineEditUrl = protocol + "://" + onlineEditUrl; } return onlineEditUrl; };</javascript>