11-16-2016 07:15 AM
I'm trying to customize the mail contents for invites, activities etc.
I have successfully been able to change the email subject by adding /tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/messages/invitation-service.properties with following content:
nvitation.invitesender.email.subject=[my modified text]: You have been invited to join the {1} site
invitation.invitesender.emailAddDirect.subject=[my modified text]: You have been invited to join the {1} site
When I look in the .ftl files in data dictionary, there are lines like this:
${message("templates.invite-email-add-direct.html.header", args["siteName"])?html}
My question:
Where does it get the text from?
I've been searching in slingshot.properties and other files without success.
Anybody have any ideas?
message("templates.invite-email-add-direct.html.header", args["siteName"])
message("templates.invite-email-add-direct.html.header", args["siteName"])
message("templates.invite-email-add-direct.html.header", args
11-16-2016 07:42 AM
Those messages are provided by the templates-messages resource bundle. The resource bundle is made up of locale-specific properties files. It can be found in the alfresco-repository project / JAR in the alfresco/messages folder. In order to change the messages you need to provide a custom resource bundle that overrides the specific key-message pairs for the locales you want to have adapted. You cannot / should not modify any file in the alfresco-repository JAR or the Alfresco WAR for this. The documentation has an article about overriding the default messages. (Note: The article refers to web script messages but the same approach is valid for any other messages. Just pick a custom bean ID - do not use webscripts.resources - and only include your own message bundles - do not include those examples from the article.)
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