Hello Community,
My diagram in Activiti Designer as a decision point where it check if the inputed value (numbers) is shorter or bigger than another fix value. When i use a int number like 10000 or 23552 it works perfectly but when i use a decimal number like 3241,76 the process crashes when validating the decision. I'm currently using "string" in field type witch looks like doesn't not include decimal numbers.. What field type i need to use to make this work?
One of the conditions is:
${reg_ValorNegocioNum <= 50000 && reg_RentabilidadeBrutaPercent >= 30}
where reg_ValorNegocioNum and reg_RentabilidadeBrutaPercent are formated as string.
I tried types like decimal and double but when i upload the process to Activiti explorer it says that double and decimal are invalid.
Can someone give me a hint?