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DWG Autocad Previewer or Transformer

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Hi all:

¿ Does it exist a command-like CAD transformer to PDF for linux ? The idea is previsualizing CAD documents in Share although I don't know if this can decrease the performance in Alfresco server (many transformations of large files to pdf for previsualizations). Other possibility, probably with minor risks in perfomance degradation, is to create a custom "on demand" action for transforming CAD to PDF.

¿ Does the tranformation server solve those type of things ?

Some ideas or orientations will be appreciated. 



Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Probably you want to use this specific plugin provided by FormTek:

Hope this helps Smiley Wink

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,
I found here some discussion regarding DWG Auto cad Previewer or Transformer , If you want more discussing & better solution, visit to the below link:
<a href="">Cad services</a>
<a href="">Format conversion</a>
It will be more easy to contact them and send your problem details to get solution online.
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