05-05-2010 08:03 AM
05-05-2010 08:45 AM
function sortByTitle(link1, link2)
return (link1.title > link2.title) ? 1 : (link1.title < link2.title) ? -1 : 0;
function main()
var site, container, theUrl, connector, result, links;
site = page.url.templateArgs.site;
container = 'links';
theUrl = '/api/links/site/' + site + '/' + container + '?page=1&pageSize=512';
connector = remote.connect("alfresco");
result = connector.get(theUrl);
if (result.status == 200)
links = eval('(' + result.response + ')').items;
model.links = links;
model.numLinks = links.length;
05-06-2010 12:08 AM
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/repo.tld" prefix="r" %>
<%@ page import="com.xxxx.alfresco.km.webscripts.WebScriptInvoker"%>
<%@ page import="com.xxxx.alfresco.km.webscripts.WebScriptCall"%>
Total Number of content for You is :
System.out.println("Calling WebScriptCall in JSP");
WebScriptCall webScriptCall = new WebScriptCall();
String temp = webScriptCall.getOutput();
System.out.println("Web Script output in JSP "+temp);
Total Number of content for You is : <%=temp%>
public class WebScriptCall {
List<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>();
public String getOutput(){
System.out.println("Invoking web script in WebScriptCall");
WebScriptInvoker invoker = new WebScriptInvoker();
String userName = "admin";
String password = "admin";
String method = "GET";
String webScriptUrl = "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/com/xxxx/alfresco/km/getuserstatistics?userName=admin&format=...";
System.out.println("Inside WebScriptCall : userName "+userName+" password "+password+" method "+method+" scriptURL "+webScriptUrl);
String result = invoker.doWork(userName , password , method , webScriptUrl);
System.out.println("result in WebScriptCall "+result);
return result;
public String doWork(String userName, String password, String method, String webScriptURL) {
logger.debug("Inside doWork : userName "+userName+" password "+password+" method "+method+" scriptURL "+webScriptURL);
String result;
//WebScriptInvoker invoker = new WebScriptInvoker();
//logger.debug("userName "+getUser()+" password "+getPassword()+" method "+getMethod()+" scriptURL "+getScriptUrl());
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
try {
AuthenticationUtils.startSession(getUser(), getPassword());
URL scriptUrl = (new URI(getScriptUrl())).toURL();
logger.debug("Invoking Web Script : " + scriptUrl);
conn = (HttpURLConnection)scriptUrl.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.encodeBytes((getTicket()).getBytes()));
//3.0 and later can do HTTP method tunneling
//conn.setRequestProperty("X-HTTP-Method-Override", "POST");
logger.debug("Response code: " + conn.getResponseCode());
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream(),"UTF-8"));
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
//logger.debug("line "+line);
//logger.debug("buffer in doWork() "+buffer.toString());
logger.debug("Web Script Output in doWork() "+buffer.toString());
result = buffer.toString();
} catch (Exception serviceException) {
logger.error("Exception while invoking web script "+serviceException.getMessage());
throw new RuntimeException("Problem invoking web script", serviceException);
} finally {
// End the session
if (conn != null) conn.disconnect();
// logger.debug("12");
return result;
public void execute(WebScriptRequest req, WebScriptResponse res)
throws IOException {
int totalNoOfContent = 0;
int approvedContent = 0;
int rejectedContent = 0;
int underReviewContent = 0;
String userName = req.getParameter("userName");
logger.debug("User name to get statistics is " + userName);
nodeService = serviceRegistry.getNodeService();
// setAuthenticationService(serviceRegistry.getAuthenticationService());
StoreRef storeRef = new StoreRef(StoreRef.PROTOCOL_WORKSPACE,
SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
sp.setQuery("@cm\\:originalOwner:" + userName + "");
ResultSet results = null;
try {
results = getSearchService().query(sp);
logger.debug("Size of resultset is " + results.length());
totalNoOfContent = results.length();
for (ResultSetRow row : results) {
NodeRef currentNodeRef = row.getNodeRef();
// logger.debug("currentNodeRef "+currentNodeRef);
QName statusQname = QName
nodeService.getProperty(currentNodeRef, statusQname);
logger.debug("Status for "
+ currentNodeRef.toString()
+ " is "
+ nodeService.getProperty(currentNodeRef, statusQname)
if((nodeService.getProperty(currentNodeRef, statusQname)
underReviewContent = underReviewContent + 1;
}else if ((nodeService.getProperty(currentNodeRef, statusQname)
.toString()).equalsIgnoreCase("approved")) {
approvedContent = approvedContent + 1;
} else if ((nodeService
.getProperty(currentNodeRef, statusQname).toString())
.equalsIgnoreCase("rejected")) {
rejectedContent = rejectedContent + 1;
logger.debug("totalNoOfContent " + totalNoOfContent);
logger.debug("approvedContent " + approvedContent);
logger.debug("rejectedContent " + rejectedContent);
// Now for each of these getthe status.
result = new HashMap<String, String>();
Integer tempTotalCount = new Integer(totalNoOfContent);
result.put("totalNoOfContent", tempTotalCount.toString());
Integer tempAppCount = new Integer(approvedContent);
result.put("approvedContent", tempAppCount.toString());
Integer tempRejCount = new Integer(rejectedContent);
result.put("rejectedContent", tempRejCount.toString());
logger.debug("totalNoOfContent "+tempTotalCount.toString()+" approvedContent "+tempAppCount.toString()+ " rejectedContent " + tempRejCount.toString());
String finalOutput = "";
finalOutput += tempTotalCount.toString();
finalOutput+= tempAppCount.toString();
finalOutput+= tempRejCount.toString();
logger.debug("Calling output method in web script");
output(res, finalOutput);
} finally {
if (results != null) {
totalNoOfContent = 0;
approvedContent = 0;
rejectedContent = 0;
underReviewContent = 0;
//return result;
protected void output(WebScriptResponse res,String result) {
logger.debug("Passing back the output " + result);
try {
//logger.debug("Output in output() :- " + res.getOutputStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WebScriptException("Unable to stream output");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Calling WebScriptCall in JSP
Invoking web script in WebScriptCall
Inside WebScriptCall : userName admin password admin method GET scriptURL http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/com/xxxx/alfresco/km/getuserstatistics?userName=admin&format=...
09:32:39,208 User:adminDEBUG [km.webscripts.WebScriptInvoker] Inside doWork : userName admin password admin meth
od GET scriptURL http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/com/xxxx/alfresco/km/getuserstatistics?userName=admin&format=...
09:32:39,239 User:xxxxadmin DEBUG [km.webscripts.WebScriptInvoker] Invoking Web Script : http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/
09:32:39,255 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] User name to get statistics is admin
09:32:39,317 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Size of resultset is 7
09:32:39,333 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Status for workspace://SpacesStore/26e4ab1a-6cc6-4b
8f-938c-eff5361fd6c8 is Approved
09:32:39,333 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Status for workspace://SpacesStore/8f75c021-7b1e-46
13-8abc-247e7b4adfd0 is Rejected
09:32:39,333 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Status for workspace://SpacesStore/96a0e9d4-09c7-4c
e0-831c-654457c6ecde is Approved
09:32:39,349 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Status for workspace://SpacesStore/e4224970-d2a4-41
d4-828b-b9880ff62d1a is Rejected
09:32:39,349 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Status for workspace://SpacesStore/71bd05a6-972c-45
f2-9be6-cf24c6cd3f60 is Rejected
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Status for workspace://SpacesStore/accc306f-670d-4d
3e-9c35-5479e0acc934 is Rejected
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Status for workspace://SpacesStore/339ccba8-e24a-46
ac-8b27-4b4eb3b5198c is Approved
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] totalNoOfContent 7
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] approvedContent 3
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] rejectedContent 4
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] totalNoOfContent 7 approvedContent 3 rejectedCon
tent 4
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Calling output method in web script
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.GetUserStatisticsWebScript] Passing bak the output 7:3:4
09:32:39,364 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.WebScriptInvoker] Response code: 200
09:32:39,380 User:admin DEBUG [km.webscripts.WebScriptInvoker] Web Script Output in doWork() 7:3:4
result in WebScriptCall 7:3:4
Web Script output in JSP 7:3:4
05-06-2010 02:21 AM
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/repo.tld" prefix="r" %>
<%@ page import="com.xxxx.alfresco.km.webscripts.WebScriptInvoker"%>
<%@ page import="com.xxxx.alfresco.km.webscripts.WebScriptCall"%>
<r:webScript scriptUrl="/wcservice/com/xxxx/alfresco/km/getuserstatistics?userName=#{ NavigationBean.currentUser.userName}" />
public void execute(WebScriptRequest req, WebScriptResponse res)
throws IOException {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("Total Content Uploaded ",tempTotalCount.toString());
obj.put("Approved Content ",tempAppCount.toString());
obj.put("Rejected Content ",tempRejCount.toString());
String jsonString = obj.toString();
String finalOutput = "";
finalOutput += "Total Content ";
finalOutput += obj.getString("Total Content Uploaded ");
finalOutput += "\\n";
finalOutput += "Approved Content ";
finalOutput += obj.getString("Approved Content ");
finalOutput += "\\n";
finalOutput += "Rejected Content ";
finalOutput += obj.getString("Rejected Content ");
logger.debug(" finalOutput "+finalOutput);
Total Content 7\nApproved Content 3\nRejected Content 4
Total Content 7 Approved Content 3 Rejected Content 4
05-06-2010 08:28 AM
05-07-2010 12:27 AM
res.setContentType("text/html ");
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