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Documentation for Labs 3.2 file-servers configuration?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I recently built Alfresco from the Subversion HEAD and noticed that Labs 3.2 seems to configure its file-servers quite differently. The instructions at no longer seem to apply. Does anyone know if documentation exists that explains the changes? I'm running Labs 3.2 _Preview2_dev build r-1.

In Labs 3.1 and earlier, making changes to file servers like CIFS, FTP, NFS, were configured in the "file-servers-custom.xml" file in the extension directory in the classpath (i.e. alfresco/extension). The code in Labs 3.2 seems to ignore the file-servers-custom.xml file and instead reads file-server configurations from the classpath directory "alfresco/extension/subsystems/fileServers/default/default". This change caught me by surprise and took me a little while to figure out it was the cause of my CIFS server breaking – and the FTP server being started using IPV6, which got me a protocol exception on my Windows dev box.

In the 3.2 way of doing things, one improvement seems to be you can now define an override "" by adding a properties file to the new "subsystems" extension path. I'm still in the dark about the use of the "default/default" directories under the fileServers subsystem extension directory. Anyone know their meaning when configuring Alfresco file servers? The configuration path seems to be set in the class, with the first "default" subdirectory being the Type Name and the 2nd default sub-subdirectory being the ID of the "fileServers" subsystem category. I have yet to figure out where the Type Name and ID come from and whether they *should* be set to a value other than "default".

Has anyone seen documentation on the new file-servers configuration for Labs 3.2? Thanks.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Apologies, the IPv6 setting was left on from some testing - i've turned it off again and will be correct in the next nightly build or current SVN HEAD codeline.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thank you for updating the files in HEAD. I noticed you changed the old file in HEAD/root/projects/repository/config/alfresco as well as the active (real?) one in HEAD/root/projects/repository/config/alfresco/subsystems/fileServers/default. As far as I can tell, the "" file in the …/config/alfresco directory is no longer used. The Ant script still deploys it to WEB-INF/classes/alfresco, along with the file "file-servers.xml", but I believe neither of these files is read during Alfresco configuration at startup.

If I'm wrong, I'd appreciate the correction. If I'm right, perhaps these two (what I believe to be outdated) configuration files should be removed from the alfresco.war so as not to confuse other users of the Labs 3.2 preview version.

For what it's worth, I updated the to signal readers that it no longer applies to the upcoming Labs 3.2 version, and to give a pointer to the correct configuration directories.
