I have a site where there is 1 Manager and 50 contributors. I want distribute blank forms (PDF) to all members and to collect back filled forms from them.
How to achieve this?
When i tried Start Workflow -> Adhoc task, it was successful for one person at a time, but how to do, in case of bulk distribution and collect them back?
To me it appears that it would be difficult to achieve your requirement through workflow. One probable approach per me would be - Configure a business rule on a folder for incoming PDFs. As soon as PDF document is entered send out an email with PDF document as attachment to it to all the users you want to distribute the PDF to also provide text instructions in email that once they are done then which folder they should upload the processed pdf back. Once they are done with their part on PDF, they should login back to alfresco and upload their PDF to the designated space. While sending PDF to users, you should probably append the username to PDF so at the end when all users are uploading their PDF back there will not be any duplicate name issues.