I've been evaluating Alfresco for our company, as an alternative to our Sharepoint soloution. In many respects I am impressed, and prefer the experience of Alfresco.
However, we do make quite extensive use of metadata column views in Sharepoint document libraries. A simple example is our invoice library, in which the invoices are scanned to PDF, and have metadata applied (Supplier, Invoice Total, Invoice date, etc). We then view this metadata in a column view, and apply filters to isolate what we need (we also have a calculated total at the top of the invoice amount column, to get a quick view of costs.) I cannot see a way of replicating this functionality in Alfresco Share.
Is it:
a) possible to achieve this in some way I haven't found, or
b) that Alfresco uses a different paradigm for viewing and organising by metadata?