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Display custom aspects in view?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have implemented a custom aspect for internal document ID number, visible in document properties and advanced search.

How can I modify the view, details or standard, to include the custom document ID number? This would also be very useful in search results.I have searched the modification possibilities of web-client, but find only how to change the number of rows? Is source-code modifications needed for changing the visible properties?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Take a look at tomcat/jsp/browse/browse.jsp to modify the details view for the Alfresco Explorer client.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you very much, got it partly to work now!

I added:
<%– customDocID for details/icons view modes  PHY MOD!–%>
<a:column id="col155" style="text-align:left" rendered="#{BrowseBean.browseViewMode == 'details' || BrowseBean.browseViewMode == 'icons'}">
<f:facet name="header">
<a:sortLink id="col155-sort" label="Doc ID" value="properties[\"sample:customDocID\"]" styleClass="header"/>
<h:outputText id="col155-txt" value="#{[\"sample:customDocID\"]}">
<a:convertSize />

And it lists my custom aspect (sample:customDocID) properly.

The sorting does not seem to work, where is this performed?

Are there any way to provide customizations to the jsp file, instead of hard-coding in the alfresco source tree?

Many thanks

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

This is exactly what I also have to do, ie show aspect values in search results.  How did you end up implementing this.  Did you just update the browse.jsp or could you package it outside of the Alfresco source tree.  Any advice on how to do this and what I should look out for will be greatly accepted.
