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Display content properties in advanced workflow UI?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have a workflow that eventually updates properties on the underlying bpm_package content.  Right now, I have a custom property in the workflow model that is displayed in the UI and captures data entered by the user.  Then using javascript, I assign this custom workflow property to the appropriate custom bpm_package property.

This works fine, but I am wondering if I could simplify and expose the bpm_package property directly in the UI and not need the workflow property that I only use for transferring right now?

If so, what would the syntax for this be in the web-client-config-custom.xml?  I tried:
<show-property name="['mycustom:question']" component-generator="TextAreaGenerator" display-label="custom property from content model"/>
but it did not work.    Any ideas?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Unfortunately, that's not supported right now.