04-22-2011 06:39 AM
04-26-2011 03:23 AM
04-26-2011 04:28 AM
04-26-2011 05:02 AM
04-26-2011 05:14 AM
// Get the assets content stream
InputStream stream = asset.getContentAsInputStream().getStream();
<#if locations?? && locations.assets?size != 0>
<script type="text/javascript">
<#list locations.assets as location>
<#assign coords = location.properties["cm:description"]?split(",")>
latitude: ${coords[0]},
longitude: ${coords[1]},
html: "here i would like to put the html content of my asset"
zoom: 10
No locations !
04-26-2011 09:13 AM
<#if locations?? && locations.assets?size != 0>
<script type="text/javascript">
<#list locations.assets as location>
<#assign coords = location.properties["cm:description"]?split(",")>
latitude: ${coords[0]},
longitude: ${coords[1]},
html: <@streamasset asset=location />
zoom: 10
No locations !
04-26-2011 09:17 AM
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