05-09-2012 08:27 AM
05-09-2012 08:37 AM
05-09-2012 10:00 AM
10-03-2012 04:36 AM
<!– –>
<!– Indexing control –>
<!– –>
<aspect name="cm:indexControl">
<title>Index Control</title>
<property name="cm:isIndexed">
<title>Is indexed</title>
<property name="cm:isContentIndexed">
<title>Is content indexed</title>
Hope this helps.12-22-2014 05:15 PM
<model name="my:textdoc" xmlns="http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0"
<import prefix="d" uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0" />
<import prefix="cm" uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0" />
<namespace prefix="my"
uri="http://www.notarealurl.xyz/model/my/1.0" />
<type name="my:securetextdoc">
<title>text docs with keyword searching, but not content searching</title>
<property name="my:securekeywords">
<title>custom key word text field</title>
<!– <aspect>cm:dublincore</aspect> –>
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