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directory not emptying

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I am running version 4.2.c, and have been trying to empty the dir \\hector\alfresco\Data Dictionary\Transfers\Transfer Target Groups\Default Group\UKtoUSA. it holds 12Gb of xml files. every time I use windows explorer or mount the share onto centos to remove all xml files it just reappears and does not delete. no errors appear in log file.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

For such a huge quantity of data, I'd recommend deleting through the web interface directly instead than on the mapped drive.
The protocols that you use to map drive wrap the actual action in a lot of stuff making it less performant, causing potential timeouts, transaction conflicts, etc.

Is there a particular reason why you wanted to delete through the mapped drive (no access to the web interface, want to remove only some documents from a search, stress test)?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
through the web interface it never loads. also I have been mounting //hector/alfresco/Data Dictionary/Transfers/Inbound Transfer Records and removing all xml files using cron which works well. web interface if it does load by chance, only 50 items a page. on centos i can do rm -rf on all xml files of windows browser i can select all and delete. I have over 10,000 items

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
How about using the old explorer web interface (http://[server]:[port]/alfresco).
I sometimes fallback to it for some actions.
I takes time to load but doesn't timeout.
The delete action is based on "the folder content" and not selected items

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Its not a feasible way to delete 10000 items which are over 10GB, unless you can tell me how to select all and delete?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
This is the reason I pointed you to the explorer interface instead of share.
You can go to a folder and simply delete all its content, just the files within it or just the folders within it.
There is no need to select anything.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I am in the /alfresco interface. How do i delete all the contents of the folder. i cannot find that option anywhere?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
When you first go to the url you're logged in as guest which doesn't have access to much.
You have to login using the button at the top right.

Once logged in, go to company home from the left panel and browse to the space you want to empty in the right panel.
The right panel is made of icons for the folders, each of which should have a small trashcan next to it.
Clicking it brings you to a page asking you what exactly you want to delete.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
thanks. worked