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Different ways to create nodes

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

sorry, I'm new in Alfresco. What's the difference between create a node using CMLCreate or using for example getNodeService().createNode?

I need to create new folders with a path that the user gives me. Maybe each folder of this path exists or not, if not, I will create it. Finally, I upload a document on the last folder. Each node have different own properties, too. 15 properties like reference codes, author, dates, etc.

I'm doing all of this with the Java API, in a Java Backed Webscript. I'm reading a lot of posts but I don't understand why sometimes the people use CMLCreate or create Nodes or folders. There are a lot of ways to do this and I don't know where can I begin. Smiley Surprised\

Thank yoy very much!

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
CMLCreate is part of the old obsolete web service binding.     For java on the server you should use the java api.   (Which is the NodeService)

However there's also the FileFolderService that is easier to use for general stuff.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Thanks, mrogers!