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Different Lucene search results based on selected language on login screen !?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi all,

I am working on application that supports two languages on login screen (English and German), and I just experienced some strange thing for me. I am using Lucene as search engine and when I create some document/folder (English had been selected on login screen) and executed advanced search by for example title of that document it will be shown in search results as it is expected. But if I authenticate selecting German language and execute the same search afterwords the same document won't be shown in the search results without any error in log files. I tried to find something related Lucene/Alfresco documentation but without success.

Did somebody experienced the same problem or maybe knows something about this?


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
The locale is used when you store new contents and when you search contents in the repository.
And if you try to find some content stored with an English locale using a German locale, Alfresco can't find that contents.
Alfresco get the locale from HTTP request and it uses the locale during the indexing process.

So you should take care of locale for all the users that are using the repository.

A solution could be set an unique locale for Alfresco to avoid this behavior using the JVM options user.locale and user.region.

Hope this helps.