What are the main difference between the 2 search options to use the "Lucene" search of the "FTS-Alfresco" - what are the advantages or disadvantages between these 2 options to search. Is there a recommendation to use one or the other or is this only historical.
"alfresco" uses the lucene query parser with custom extensions.
"fts" uses our own parser (but the impl hooks into the same query parsers and extensions post parse)
So "alfresco" is a subset of "fts". The same queries and query fields are available. The main difference is what needs to be escaped. There should be little differnce in performance - only the parse phase is different.
There are extras with alfrecso fts - you cna force an indentifier match using = somewhat like google.
I will be covering this at DevCon in detail - the stuff will be available after. The wiki page covers the additional features.