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Designer 5.11.1: @Property and @PropertyItems no longer work

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Customized tasks (see code example below) which contains attributes has following problems:

1. Attribut defaultValue="…" of @Property has no influence
2. After dragging a task into the diagram the default value is not preselected (radios are not preselected, textfields are not pre filled).
A (wrong!) default value will be set after switching to another tab ("General" or so) and go back to the tab "Main config". After clicking into the free area of the diagram and go back again to check the prior selected value in the task - it is again unselected.
3. The order of the options (radiobutton and so on) is incorrect.

All this things was possible with 5.7. Due to another serious problems with the designer plugin (5.7) we are forced to use a newer version.

I spend a lot of time to figure out a workaround - in this case no chance.

package demo;

import org.activiti.designer.integration.servicetask.AbstractCustomServiceTask;
import org.activiti.designer.integration.servicetask.PropertyType;
import org.activiti.designer.integration.servicetask.annotation.Help;
import org.activiti.designer.integration.servicetask.annotation.Property;
import org.activiti.designer.integration.servicetask.annotation.PropertyItems;

@Help(displayHelpShort = "Demo", displayHelpLong = "Demo")
public class DemoTask extends AbstractCustomServiceTask {
   @Help(displayHelpShort="bla", displayHelpLong="bla bla bla")
   @Property(order=1, required=true, type=PropertyType.RADIO_CHOICE, displayName="Option", defaultValue="c")
   @PropertyItems({"A", "a", "B", "b", "C", "c"})
   private String option;

   public String contributeToPaletteDrawer() {
      return "Demo";

   public String getDescription() {
      return "Demo";

   public String getLargeIconPath() {
      return getSmallIconPath();

   public String getName() {
      return "Demo";

   public Integer getOrder() {
      return 1;
   public String getShapeIconPath() {
      return getSmallIconPath();

   public String getSmallIconPath() {
      return "archiv16.png";

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I've just committed a fix for this issue. Strange that it hadn't been reported yet.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
How can I get the fixed version of the eclipse-designer?

I tried to install the designer plugin from but is seems this is not the fixed version.

regards sjmo

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
you have to build it yourself from svn

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Need a hint…

In order to build the eclipse-designer I checked out the revision 222 (trunk).

I proceeded as described under

The calls of mvn clean eclipse:clean && mvn eclipse:eclipse was successful.
After importing in eclipse I have around 2900 errors (missing all classes from package org.activiti.bpmn.model.*).

From where can I get this package, respectivly its classes? The last existence of this package was in version 5.10 in the artifactId "org.activiti.designer.model". Since 5.11.0 this artifactId does not exist.

Many thanks

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Simo,

Did you use the Github version? It's also mentioned on the Wiki since yesterday.
The latest source code can be found here:

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Yes, that's correct (verified again). I also saw the required bugfix from yesterday at 8:03 PM

Below a directory dump from the trunk & 5.10 both checked out from

Directory of C:\TEMP\activiti-designer.src\trunk
11.01.2013  17:14    <DIR>          .
11.01.2013  17:14    <DIR>          ..
11.01.2013  11:44                27 .gitignore
11.01.2013  11:44    <DIR>          examples
11.01.2013  14:01    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.eclipse
11.01.2013  14:03    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.feature
11.01.2013  14:03    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.gui
11.01.2013  14:03    <DIR>
11.01.2013  14:03    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.integration
11.01.2013  14:03    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.libs
11.01.2013  13:18    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.parent
11.01.2013  14:03    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.updatesite
11.01.2013  14:03    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.util
11.01.2013  14:03    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.validation.bpmn20
11.01.2013  17:14                 0 out.txt
11.01.2013  11:44                74
               3 File(s)            101 bytes
              13 Dir(s)  146'384'793'600 bytes free

Directory of C:\TEMP\activiti-designer.src\tags\activiti-designer-5.10.0
11.01.2013  17:17    <DIR>          .
11.01.2013  17:17    <DIR>          ..
11.01.2013  11:29                27 .gitignore
11.01.2013  11:29    <DIR>          examples
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.eclipse
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.export.bpmn20
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.feature
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.gui
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.integration
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.model   ————> ok
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.parent
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.updatesite
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.util
11.01.2013  11:30    <DIR>          org.activiti.designer.validation.bpmn20
11.01.2013  17:17                 0 out.txt
11.01.2013  11:29                74
               3 File(s)            101 bytes
              14 Dir(s)  146'384'203'776 bytes free

Thx, sjmo.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

The org.activiti.designer.libs project contains the necessary Activiti JAR files.
So the org.activiti.bpmn.model package is in the activiti-bpmn-model JAR.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Much better.

I added the 2 jars to each Module which missed the classes (as external library).

Now I have only 1 error in the MANIFEST.MF off the module org.activiti.designer.libs

Export-Package is signed as error. The messages are

Package org.activiti.bpmn.converter does not exists in this plugin
and so on (always the same message for all classes in the package org.activiti.bpmn).

If I open the attached jar (activiti-bpmn-converter-5.12-SNAPSHOT.jar & activiti-bpmn-model-5.12-SNAPSHOT.jar)
I can see this classes inside.

Any idea?

Thanks, sjmo