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Deployment to crafter target is failing.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am trying to deploy to multiple crafter endpoints however the SB endpoint, see below, is being ignored for some reason. I believe everything is correctly set up as it worked in the past. Something must have changed but I cannot figure out what. Can anyone see anything that might stop the sandbox endpoint from getting published? Please let me know if you need any more code or info.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <name>Preview Doc-Vers</name>
       <name>Live One</name>
       <name>Live Two</name>
       <name>Live BAR</name>
       <name>Live SB</name>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <channel>Preview Doc-Vers</channel>
                <channel>Live One</channel>
                <channel>Live Two</channel>       
                <channel>Live SB</channel>
                <channel>Live CEII</channel>   
              <channel>Live SB</channel>

<strong>Log File</strong>

2014-Jun-04 10:16:34,247  INFO  [alfresco.deployment.DeploymentEventsLoggerListener] Event: Deployment Engine Deploy
2014-Jun-04 10:16:34,247  INFO  [alfresco.deployment.DeploymentEventsLoggerListener] Endpoint: Live Two
2014-Jun-04 10:16:34,247  INFO  [alfresco.deployment.DeploymentEventsLoggerListener] Items: [{"dateTime":{"date":4,"day":3,"hours":10,"minutes":16,"month":5,"seconds":34,"time":1401891394096,"timezoneOffset":240,"year":114},"oldPath":"","path":"/site/website/about/index.xml","site":"FOO","state":"UPDATED","user":"admin"}]
2014-Jun-04 10:16:34,602  INFO  [alfresco.deployment.DeploymentEventsLoggerListener] Event: Deployment Engine Deploy
2014-Jun-04 10:16:34,602  INFO  [alfresco.deployment.DeploymentEventsLoggerListener] Endpoint: Live One
2014-Jun-04 10:16:34,602  INFO  [alfresco.deployment.DeploymentEventsLoggerListener] Items: [{"dateTime":{"date":4,"day":3,"hours":10,"minutes":16,"month":5,"seconds":34,"time":1401891394351,"timezoneOffset":240,"year":114},"oldPath":"","path":"/site/website/about/index.xml","site":"FOO","state":"UPDATED","user":"admin"}]


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Pete,

It looks like the configuration structure is ok.  The issue looks like you are using the same end point in two different channel groups.  An endpoint should only be deployed to from one group.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have removed all the channel-groups but one and I still am not able to publish to all the nodes. Still, only the Live One and Live Two channels are publishing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <label>Integration INT</label>
                <channel>Preview Doc-Vers</channel>                
                <channel>Live SB</channel>
                <channel>Live One</channel>
                <channel>Live Two</channel>                                 
                <channel>Live CEII</channel>   