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Deploy Workflow via Eclipse

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am trying to deploy workflow with processimage.jpg (to be visible in Alfresco later). The problem I have my own content type and if I am deploying via Eclipse, am I getting
org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceException: Namespace prefix ttf is not mapped to a namespace URI
Where I have to put content type when deploying via Eclipse?

Is there another way ho to add image? I believe image could be stored in DB; is it possible to update or create DB record with image byte data for existing workflow?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Here are some comment, maybe useful for others.

About content type - after adding it directly to shared folder I was able to deploy via Eclipse, but… still no image.
Fist of all its strange that there is no possibility to add the image directly, because even if could deploy via Eclipse, the image almost is useless as such things as jbpm objects "join", "transition", etc are useless for average user. I just wonder how the others are explaining to users what this image means.

Instead of trying to find the reason for "deployed but not visible" I just decided to rewrite this part.
First of all, method what returns the link to image is in file
public String getWorkflowDefinitionImageUrl() {
  return "/workflowdefinitionimage/" + this.getWorkflowInstance();
As didnt wanted to recompile this class I started to investigate where is "/workflowdefinitionimage/".
And "/workflowdefinitionimage/" is implemented as servlet
So this file can be modified, in my modification I just created new directory in images where I put workflow image and modified servlet that it loads this file. Later I will implement images in form workflow_name_task_name.jpg to be able mark the current task or even implement runtime task "marking".

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have the same problem that you had, i don't understand your explanation, for exemple where is locate this file (""). You can help me sptep by step the option that you make.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hmm … lets take it back for a moment.

a) When you deploy via eclipse, the connection test ist "Succesfull" and the deployment ok, the JPG, you see in eclipse, is automatically transmitted as well. You do not have to do anthing else to do that.
b) After deployment, you have to make your, the workflow and the image are integrated in the gui. For both, you need to edit extra XML files, see the Wiki for details on that
c) The jpg is a "hack", not officially supported.
d) You can rename all the components and maybe even hide the classification strings like <<join>>, <<Task-node>> etc. But I think, for most endusers, the display is mostly belly stroking, since it is static and sometime hard to understand, if you do not know your workflow stuff

So, given you did all the above correctly, what do you need additionally ? I could not quite follow.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thanks Norgan,

1) My deploy in alfresco is successfully.

2) I use eclipse to deploy in alfresco, but the it doesn't show the picture. When i show the propetries of it i have the following:
    Address: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/workflowdefinitionimage/jbpm$589825

3) I read many things in wiki, but i don't understand how you show the picture in alfresco.

any budy cant help me.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I only know this here from the wiki

I did not try it out, but I know it was there back when I started with 2.9 Labs. So it might not work anymore due to version problems.
