10-30-2016 12:40 PM
I still don't understand when deploying a workflow in Workflow Console:
deploy <workflowEngine> <definitionClassPath>.
How do we know the <definitionClassPath> of my current workflow?
Thank you.-
10-31-2016 06:16 AM
First you need to place the workflow definition file under an alfresco classpath folder. for example
you place it under folder ${TOMCAT_HOME}/shared/classes/com/kayne/alfresco/workflow,you can execute command
show file com/kayne/alfresco/workflow/
deploy activiti com/kayne/alfresco/workflow/kayne.bpmn.xml
10-31-2016 06:16 AM
First you need to place the workflow definition file under an alfresco classpath folder. for example
you place it under folder ${TOMCAT_HOME}/shared/classes/com/kayne/alfresco/workflow,you can execute command
show file com/kayne/alfresco/workflow/
deploy activiti com/kayne/alfresco/workflow/kayne.bpmn.xml
10-31-2016 07:42 AM
Under ${TOMCAT_HOME}/shared/classes, I only found alfresco dir and alfresco-global.properties.
My workflow (.bpmn file) is resided under /opt/alfresco-community/tomcat/shared/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/module/my-workflow-repo/workflows
I can browse it by typing: show file alfresco/module/my-workflow-repo/workflows
And run deploy: deploy activiti alfresco/module/my-workflow-repo/workflows/myWorkflow.bpmn
Thanks a lot!
10-31-2016 08:21 AM
You should read this Creating Custom Advanced Workflows in Alfresco | ECMArchitect | Alfresco Developer Tutorials
There you will find how to deploy the workflow.
11-01-2016 12:14 AM
Hi, Yes I already read it. But deploying a definition through workflow console with deploy <workflowengine> <definitionClassPath> command is not mentioned on Jeff's blog.
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