09-10-2013 09:50 PM
09-12-2013 04:45 AM
09-13-2013 08:15 AM
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>abc AMP project</name>
<description>Manages the lifecycle of the abc AMP (Alfresco Module Package)</description>
<!– | SDK properties have sensible defaults in the SDK parent, | but you
can override the properties below to use another version. | For more available
properties see the alfresco-sdk-parent POM. –>
<!– Defines the alfresco edition to compile against. Allowed values are
[org.alfresco|org.alfresco.enterprise] –>
<!– Defines the alfresco version to compile against –>
<!– Defines the target WAR artifactId to run this amp, only used with
the -Pamp-to-war switch . | Allowed values: alfresco | share. Defaults to
a repository AMP, but could point to your foundation WAR –>
<!– Defines the target WAR groupId to run this amp, only used with the
-Pamp-to-war switch . | Could be org.alfresco | org.alfresco.enterprise or
your corporate groupId –>
<!– Defines the target WAR version to run this amp, only used with the
-Pamp-to-war switch –>
<!– This controls which properties will be picked in src/test/properties
for embedded run –>
<!– Here we realize the connection with the Alfresco selected platform
(e.g.version and edition) –>
<!– This will import the dependencyManagement for all artifacts in the
selected Alfresco version/edition (see http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html#Importing_Depe...)
NOTE: You still need to define dependencies in your POM, but you can omit
version as it's enforced by this dependencyManagement. NOTE: It defaults
to the latest version this SDK pom has been tested with, but alfresco version
can/should be overridden in your project's pom –>
<!– Following dependencies are needed for compiling Java code in src/main/java;
<scope>provided</scope> is inherited for each of the following; for more
info, please refer to alfresco-platform-distribution POM –>
<!– Test dependencies –>
<!– This repository is only needed to retrieve Alfresco parent POM. NOTE:
This can be removed when/if Alfresco will be on Maven Central NOTE: The repository
to be used for Alfresco Enterprise artifacts is https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/private/.
Please check with Alfresco Support to get credentials to add to your ~/.m2/settings.xml
if you are a Enterprise customer or Partner –>
<!– <repository> <id>alfresco-public</id> <url>https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/public</url>
</repository> <repository> <id>alfresco-public-snapshots</id> <url>https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/content/groups/public-snapshots</url>
<snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> <updatePolicy>daily</updatePolicy> </snapshots>
</repository> –>
<!– A simple class that is initialized by Spring –>
<bean id="changeme.exampleBean" class="org.alfresco.demoamp.Demo" init-method="init" />
<!– A simple module component that will be executed once –>
<bean id="changeme.exampleComponent" class="org.alfresco.demoamp.DemoComponent" parent="module.baseComponent" >
<property name="moduleId" value="${project.artifactId}" /> <!– See module.properties –>
<property name="name" value="exampleComponent" />
<property name="description" value="A demonstration component" />
<property name="sinceVersion" value="2.0" />
<property name="appliesFromVersion" value="2.0" />
<property name="nodeService" ref="NodeService" />
<property name="nodeLocatorService" ref="nodeLocatorService" />
09-16-2013 03:45 AM
@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/path/to/test-spring-context.xml" })
09-17-2013 04:32 AM
public class DemoComponentTest {
private static final String ADMIN_USER_NAME = "admin";
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DemoComponentTest.class);
protected static ApplicationContext applicationContext;
protected static DemoComponent demoComponent;
protected static NodeService nodeService;
public static void initAppContext()
// TODO: Make testing properly working without need for helpers
// TODO: Provide this in an SDK base class
applicationContext = ApplicationContextHelper.getApplicationContext(new String[] { "classpath:alfresco/application-context.xml" });
demoComponent = (DemoComponent) applicationContext.getBean("changeme.exampleComponent");
nodeService = (NodeService) applicationContext.getBean("NodeService");
log.debug("Sample test logging: If you see this message, means your unit test logging is properly configured. Change it in test-log4j.properties");
log.debug("Sample test logging: Application Context properly loaded");
public void testWiring() {
public void testGetCompanyHome() {
NodeRef companyHome = demoComponent.getCompanyHome();
String companyHomeName = (String) nodeService.getProperty(companyHome, ContentModel.PROP_NAME);
assertEquals("Company Home", companyHomeName);
public void testChildNodesCount() {
NodeRef companyHome = demoComponent.getCompanyHome();
int childNodeCount = demoComponent.childNodesCount(companyHome);
// There are 5 folders by default under Company Home
assertEquals(6, childNodeCount);
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