11-08-2010 08:48 AM
<target name="tomcat.install">
<mkdir dir="${activiti.home}/apps" />
<property name="tomcat.distro" value="${downloads.dir}/${tomcat.filename}" />
<available property="is.tomcat.available" file="${tomcat.distro}" />
<antcall target="internal.download.tomcat" />
<unzip src="${tomcat.distro}" dest="${activiti.home}/apps"/>
<available file="${user.home}/.activiti/tomcat-users.xml" property="tomcat.users.available" />
<antcall target="tomcat.copy.users" />
<antcall target="tomcat.enable.debug" />
<replace file="${tomcat.home}/bin/catalina.sh">
JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS" @tomcat.java.opts@"
<replace file="${tomcat.home}/bin/catalina.sh" token="@tomcat.java.opts@" value="${tomcat.java.opts}" />
<chmod perm="a+x" os="Linux, Mac OS X">
<fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/bin">
<include name="*.sh" />
<!– begin special handling for windows –>
<replace file="${tomcat.home}/bin/catalina.bat">
<replacetoken><![CDATA[rem —– Execute The Requested Command —————————————]]></replacetoken>
<replacevalue><![CDATA[rem —– Execute The Requested Command —————————————
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% @tomcat.java.opts@
<replace file="${tomcat.home}/bin/catalina.bat" token="@tomcat.java.opts@" value="${tomcat.java.opts}" />
<!– end special handling for windows –>
<copy file="${activiti.home}/setup/files/tomcat/logging.properties" todir="${tomcat.home}/conf" overwrite="true" />
11-08-2010 10:38 AM
(1) The proxy was not set correctly. Therefore, maven could not find the jars to download. (Fixed by patching the settings.xml file in maven's conf folder)Could you elaborate on that? We test the demo setup on a clean windows VM, which doesnt have any settings.xml configured …
(2) If the libs-runtime/libs-test folder already existed, maven did not download the files after setting the proxy correctly. Removing those folder resulted in proper downloading of the dependent libraries. I think the folders were created before the proxy error failed the demo.setup. So could you just add some kind of clean task to clean those output folders?
(3) The issue with PermGenSpace which were caused by the error described above.Could you make a patch of your fix, and attach it to the following Jira issue: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/ACT-320. This way, we can track it, and it ends up in the changelog of next release.
Don't get me wrong, I really like activiti. But it would be nice to get the demo-setup working without having to fix several "magic" issues.
11-10-2010 04:04 AM
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