08-08-2006 10:24 AM
08-08-2006 11:00 AM
08-09-2006 08:54 AM
08-09-2006 09:59 AM
08-09-2006 10:30 AM
08-09-2006 11:20 AM
The contentstore.deleted store doesn't have a cleaner watching it. You can add a cleaner and trigger bean for it by copying beans content-services-context.xml#contentStoreCleaner and scheduled-jobs-context.xml#fileContentStoreCleanerJobDetail into an extension context.
You could also remove the contentstore.deleted store completely if you are sure that your backup mechanisms are adequate. The content wont' be reaped until it is at least 14 days old (by default). It is mainly there to ensure that we don't throw content away - if you want, you can delete contentstore.deleted after backing up.
MSWord does create loads of junk. It is not bad to use CIFS this way, though. If the disappearance of these files is not fast enough, then we could add some specific handling for content attached to nodes with the sys:temporary aspect.
08-23-2006 02:30 PM
MSWord does create loads of junk. It is not bad to use CIFS this way, though. If the disappearance of these files is not fast enough, then we could add some specific handling for content attached to nodes with the sys:temporary aspect.
09-26-2006 05:09 AM
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