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Decision Handling Java class for Exclusive Gateway

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,

What can be the bpmn xml equivalent for the jbpm xml  snippet below??

<decision g="182,1101,80,40" name="is-retry-required">
         class="com.test.DecisionEvaluator" />
      <transition g="-26,-22" name="yes" to="Validate_Document_Module" />
      <transition g="-21,-22" name="no" to="Export_Module" />

I have tried doing it in activiti with something like

<serviceTask id='retryDecision' name='retryDecision'
         activiti:resultVariable="retryRequired" />
      <sequenceFlow id="flow4" sourceRef="retryDecision"
         targetRef="is-retry-required" />
      <exclusiveGateway id="is-retry-required" name="is-retry-required"></exclusiveGateway>
      <sequenceFlow targetRef="Retry"
         <conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">${retryRequired=='yes'}
      <sequenceFlow targetRef="End" sourceRef="is-retry-required">
         <conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">${retryRequired=='no'}

where "DecisionEvaluator" is class with a method "retryEvaluation" that returns either a "Yes" or "No" string.

Though the above code solves my purpose, but is too cumbersome and also there is an additional overhead of adding a few more steps in the workflow, which i am hesitant about.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Sushant,

Good point, but your solution is indeed the correct way to handle this use case in BPMN. In the future we could add a custom gateway that does it in a similar way like in jBPM, but it will not be standard BPMN in that case.

Best regards,