How are JUnit-Tests against other database then H2 done at the moment? Because in I added a JUnit test know, but per default it is only executed with H2. Can this be easily extended to cover the other databases on Hudson?
We have a Hudson running the "check" maven profile on H2, MySQL, Postgresql and Oracle using "-Ddatabase=h2" etc., here
In the activiti-engine pom-file, there is some ant-magic wired in when "database" parameter is used. This creates/drops the tables that should be used for the test on the appropriate database. The properties for the database are located at ${user.home}/.activiti/jdbc/${database}.properties.
Also, the activiti.cfg.xml used in the tests are pre-processed to contain the database-parameters that are in the .properties file, so the engine uses this database.
Maybe you should do something simmilar to have cycle tested on different databases in the same build?