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Dashlet custom properties displayed on PopUp

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
When I click on my dashlet link, I get an error and my popUp can't be displaying

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of null (attributes in "simple-dialog.js")

I get the data on my share console, and I do not understand why I'm getting this error.

Can anybody help me, please HELP me, I don't understand this task.

Every help will be gratefull Smiley Happy))

      new Alfresco.FormUI("div-form", "div").setOptions(
         mode: "create",
         enctype: "application/json",
               id : "prop_ca_title"
               id : "prop_ca_category"
               id : "prop_ca_description"
               fieldId : "div_prop_ca_title",
               handler : Alfresco.forms.validation.mandatory,
               params : {},
               event : "keyup,propertychange",
               message : "………."
               fieldId : "div_prop_ca_title",
               handler : Alfresco.forms.validation.length,
               params : {"maxLength":50,"minLength":0,"crop":true},
               event : "keyup",
               message : "La valeur inclut un nombre de caractères incorrect."
               fieldId : "div_prop_ca_description",
               handler : Alfresco.forms.validation.length,
               params : {"maxLength":256,"minLength":0,"crop":true},
               event : "keyup",
               message : "……….."
               fieldId : "div_prop_ca_category",
               handler : Alfresco.forms.validation.inList,
               params : {"sorted":false,"caseSensitive":true,"allowedValues":     ["Sport|Sport","News|News","Finance|Finance","Kitchen|Kitchen"]},
               event : "blur",
               message : "……….."
         {"form.cont ………………."}

if (typeof custom == "undefined" || !custom){
   var custom = {};
   custom.dashlet = {};

(function() {
   var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
      Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
   var $html = Alfresco.util.encodeHTML,
       $combine = Alfresco.util.combinePaths;
   custom.dashlet.list_news = function list_news_constructor(htmlId) {, "custom.dashlet.list_news", htmlId);
      this.configDialog = null;
      //Register the component   
      //Load YUI components
      Alfresco.util.YUILoaderHelper.require(["button", "container", "datasource", "datatable", "paginator", "json", "history",
                                             "tabview"], this.onComponentsLoaded, this);      
      return this;
   YAHOO.extend(custom.dashlet.list_news, Alfresco.component.Base,
            componentId : "",
            title : "",
            description : "",
            category : ""
      configDialog: null,
      setOptions: function list_news_setOptions(obj)
               this.options = YAHOO.lang.merge(this.options, obj);
               return this;
      onComponentsLoaded: function list_news_onComponentsLoaded()
               Event.onContentReady(, this.onReady, this, true);
      //widgets: {},
      onReady: function list_news_onReady() {
         var me = this;
         // Add click handler to config news link that will be visible if user is site manager.
         var configFeedLink = Dom.get( + "-config-link");           
          Event.addListener(configFeedLink, "click", this.onConfigListNewsClick, this, true);  
      onConfigListNewsClick : function list_news_onConfigListNewsClick(e) {  
         var actionUrl = Alfresco.constants.URL_SERVICECONTEXT + "modules/list-news/config/" +
         /*function computeRedirectUrl(){
            var scope = "window.parent.Alfresco.util.ComponentManager.get('" + + "')";
            var successCallback = "window.parent.Alfresco.util.ComponentManager.get('" + + "-configDialog')" +
            var failureCallback = "window.parent.Alfresco.util.ComponentManager.get('" + + "-configDialog')" +
            var params = {
                        successCallback: successCallback,
                        successScope: scope,
                        failureCallback: failureCallback,
                        failureScope: scope
            var url = Alfresco.constants.URL_SERVICECONTEXT + "modules/list-news/config?";
            url += "params=" + JSON.stringify(params);
            return url;

         var doSetupFormsValidation = function list_news_doSetupFormsValidation(form){
            //Name: mandatory            
            //form.addValidation( + "_prop_ca_title", Alfresco.forms.validation.mandatory, null, "keyup");
            //form.addValidation( + "-title", Alfresco.forms.validation.nodeName, null, "keyup");            
            //form.setShowSubmitStateDynamically(true, false);

            /*Dom.get( + "-title").value = this.options.titleStr;
               Dom.get( + "-description").value = this.options.descriptionStr;
               Dom.get( + "-category").value = this.options.categoryStr;*/         
         /*var doBeforeDialogShow = function list_news_doBeforeDialogShow(p_form, p_dialog) {
               Dom.get( + "-configDialog").value = this.options.componentId;   
            var elem = Dom.get( + "-title");
                if (elem) {
                   elem.value = this.options.title;

                var elem = Dom.get( + "-description");
                if (elem) {
                   elem.value = this.options.description;

                var elem = Dom.get( + "-category");
                if (elem) {
                   elem.value = this.options.category;
         var templateUrl = YAHOO.lang.substitute(Alfresco.constants.URL_SERVICECONTEXT +
               "components/form?itemKind={itemKind}&itemId={itemId}&htmlid={htmlid}&destination={destination}" +
                  itemKind: "type",
                  itemId: "ca:entryFormNews",
                  htmlid: "div",               
                  destination: "${form.destination?html}",
                  mode: "create",
                  submitType: "json",//multipart
                  formId: "custom-metadata"
                  //redirect: computeRedirectUrl()
         if(!this.configDialog) {
            this.configDialog = new Alfresco.module.SimpleDialog( + "-configDialog").setOptions(
                     width: "100em",
                     templateUrl: templateUrl,
                     actionUrl: null,
                     destroyOnHide: true,
                           fn: doSetupFormsValidation,
                           scope: this                        

                        fn: function list_news_onConfig_success(response) {   
                           var div = Dom.get( + "-form");
                                 div.innerHTML = response.serverResponse.responseText;
                                 var form = Dom.getFirstChildBy(div, function(node) {                                                                        
                                     return (node.tagName.toUpperCase() == "FORM");                                    
                                 if (form) {
                                    if (form.attributes["prop_ca_title"]) {                                      
                                       var testLogin = form.attributes["title"].value;

                                    if (form.attributes["description"]) {
                                        var testPass = form.attributes["description"].value;

                                    if (form.attributes["category"]) {
                                       var testPass = form.attributes["category"].value;

                           /*var obj = response.json;
                           if(obj) {
                                        this.options = YAHOO.lang.merge(this.options, obj);
                           var result = eval('(' + obj + ')');*/

                                    text: this.msg("message.success")
                              url: Alfresco.constants.URL_SERVICECONTEXT +    "modules/list-news/config/",
                              dataObj: templateUrl,
                              method: Alfresco.util.Ajax.GET,
                              successCallback: {
                                  fn :this.onComponentsLoaded,
                                  obj: this,
                                    failureCallback: {
                                       fn :this._formLoadFailure,
                                       obj: this,
                                    scope: this,
                                    execScripts: true
                        scope: this         
                        fn: function list_news_onConfig_failure(response) {
                                    text: this.msg("message.failure")
                        scope: this
         } else {
                        actionUrl: actionUrl
                  actionUrl: actionUrl
         return this.configDialog;

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Could you please first provide what customization you have implemented for the dashlet?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for your answer !
I have create a dashlet with a configure link, when it's clicked I can add a product by editing his title, description & category then I submit it to the document library of my specific site.
Into my dashlet I can save the information aboout my product.
Here is my ftl file :

<#assign el=args.htmlid?js_string>

<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[

(function() {
   var list_news = new custom.dashlet.list_news("${args.htmlid}").setOptions(
         "componentId": "${}",
             "title": "${title}",
             "description": "${description}",
             "category": "${category}",

new Alfresco.widget.DashletResizer("${args.htmlid}", "${}");
new Alfresco.widget.DashletTitleBarActions("${args.htmlid?html}").setOptions(
               cssClass: "help",
                  message: "${msg("")?js_string}"
               tooltip: "${msg("")?js_string}"

<div class="dashlet list_news">
    <div id="list_news_title" class="title">${msg("header.list-news")}</div>
    <div class="toolbar flat-button">
      <a id="${el}-config-link" class="configure theme-color-1" href="#">${msg("config")}</a>
    <div class="body scrollablePanel" <#if args.height??>style="height: ${args.height}px;"</#if>>
       <div class="detail-list-item first-item last-item">
          <h2><span id="${el}-title">${title}</span></h2>
      <p><span id="${el}-description">${description}</span></p>
          <p><span id="${el}-category">${category}</span></p>

Please Help me Smiley Happy
Thanks & Regards,