03-05-2007 01:20 PM
03-06-2007 05:47 AM
03-08-2007 04:32 PM
03-09-2007 06:54 PM
03-12-2007 12:26 PM
04-17-2008 07:56 AM
06-02-2008 07:51 AM
06-02-2008 08:07 AM
Audit data for a document
e.g. Document Name: Testout.txt
Number User Name Download time
1 | Joe 01/04/2008 HH:MMS
2 | Joe 11/02/2008 HH:MMS
3 | Smith 09/03/2008 HH:MMS
4 | Laura 10/03/2008 HH:MMS
<#assign counter=1/>
<#list document.auditTrail as trail>
<td>show the other audit informations here</td>
<#assign counter = counter + 1/>
Document access for selected User
e.g. Document Accessed by Joe
Name Of Document Number of time accessed Last Accessed time
Testout.txt 10 04/01/2008
mySql.doc 2 03/11/2008
SELECT store_protocol, store_id, node_uuid FROM alf_audit_fact WHERE user_id = 'YOUR_LOGIN_HERE';
Top 10 downloaded/clicked/viewed documents
Document Rank Document Name Number of times downloaded
1 Doc.txt 167
2 S3d.doc 101
3 Testout.txt 3
4 Setup.txt 1
Here all are fine but How do I major followings :
1) Number of times downloaded
2) Number of times accessed
3) Downloads
4) Login / Logout time
03-06-2009 10:43 AM
Content of /Platform/Education and training on 2009-06-06 15:06:43 (Fri)
Project count: 1,872
Result count: 692
Content count: 379
Content of /Platform/Education and training on 2009-51-06 15:51:11 (Fri)
Project count: 2,347
Result count: 1,266
Content count: 398
Content of /Platform/Education and training on 2009-21-06 16:21:48 (Fri)
Project count: 2,347
Result count: 1,266
Content count: 398
How could the template issue a different count when relaunching?!? Any idea? Thanks<#macro recurse_macro node depth>
<#if !node.type?ends_with("systemfolder")>
<#if node.type?ends_with("project")><#assign projectCount= projectCount +1>
<#elseif node.type?ends_with("result")><#assign resultCount= resultCount +1>
<#elseif node.type?ends_with("content")><#assign contentCount= contentCount +1>
<#if node.isContainer>
<#list node.children as child>
<#if node.children?size != 0 >
<@recurse_macro node=child depth=depth+1/>
<#assign projectCount= 0>
<#assign resultCount= 0>
<#assign contentCount= 0>
<#assign datetimeformat="yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss (EEE)">
Content of <b>${space.displayPath}/${space.name}</b> on ${date?string(datetimeformat)}</br>
<#list space.children as child>
<@recurse_macro node=child depth=0/>
Project count: <b>${projectCount}</b></br>
Result count: <b>${resultCount}</b></br>
Content count: <b>${contentCount}</b></br>
06-10-2009 04:56 AM
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