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custom view templates

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Is there a repository for custom view templates?
I have seen screen shots of a jpg preview but cannot locate a template for it anywhere.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I should be under "Company Home" -> "Data Dictionary" -> "Presentation Templates".

You will be able to assign this templates to specific spaces using top area of  "View Details" screen.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm sorry, I did not make myself clear. I do know how to apply a template. I was wondering if there is a place where Alfresco users post and trade their templates. I try to avoid doing anything that has already been done.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ah… what a great idea!

I've created a page in the wiki where people can add presentation template examples (hopefully this is the right place to put these types of things):

There are also some examples in the

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
To help get the ball rolling i've added one of my templates that doesn't get installed by default.



Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi all,

I need reports like following scenarios :
any HELP ?

Audit data for a document
e.g.  Document Name: Testout.txt
Number    User Name      Download time
1      |  Joe              01/04/2008 HH:MMSmiley FrustratedS
2       | Joe              11/02/2008 HH:MMSmiley FrustratedS
3      |  Smith             09/03/2008 HH:MMSmiley FrustratedS
4       | Laura               10/03/2008 HH:MMSmiley FrustratedS

Document access for selected User
e.g. Document Accessed by Joe

Name Of Document    Number of time accessed   Last Accessed time
Testout.txt             10                                       04/01/2008
mySql.doc             2                                        03/11/2008

Top 10 downloaded/clicked/viewed documents

Document Rank   Document Name   Number of times downloaded
1                     Doc.txt           167
2                     S3d.doc          101
3                     Testout.txt         3
4                      Setup.txt          1

Here all are fine but How do I major followings :
1) Number of times downloaded
2) Number of times accessed
3) Downloads
4) Login / Logout time

Please help for these FTLs.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

For those interested, I explained one template to show the size of the contents of a space. It includes a chart and a table and show several interesting possible uses of Freemarker, like:
  • Creating a Freemarker sequence to reuse data several times in the template

  • Generate a dynamic Javascript function using Freemarker

  • Creating a recursive function in Freemarker
I hope this could help others either to show space contents sizes or create other templates.

The template is explained here on my blog:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Audit data for a document
e.g.  Document Name: Testout.txt
Number    User Name      Download time
1      |  Joe              01/04/2008 HH:MMSmiley FrustratedS
2       | Joe              11/02/2008 HH:MMSmiley FrustratedS
3      |  Smith             09/03/2008 HH:MMSmiley FrustratedS
4       | Laura               10/03/2008 HH:MMSmiley FrustratedS

You should get your ideas from the show-audit.ftl audit template shipped with Alfresco. If the number you want to show is only a incremented number, you can do it using a freemarker variable like this:

<#assign counter=1/>
<#list document.auditTrail as trail>
   <td>show the other audit informations here</td>
   <#assign counter = counter + 1/>

Document access for selected User
e.g. Document Accessed by Joe

Name Of Document    Number of time accessed   Last Accessed time
Testout.txt             10                                       04/01/2008
mySql.doc             2                                        03/11/2008

As the entry point to get the audit trail is the node, you should directly use an SQL request to query the audit facts on the user name. Here is the SQL request to use:

SELECT store_protocol, store_id, node_uuid FROM alf_audit_fact WHERE user_id = 'YOUR_LOGIN_HERE';

You sould mind that there might be audit facts that corresponds to no existing node as they might have been deleted. You can embed the SQL query and result presentation in a custom Freemarker root object. Here is the documentation on how to do this:

Top 10 downloaded/clicked/viewed documents

Document Rank   Document Name   Number of times downloaded
1                     Doc.txt           167
2                     S3d.doc          101
3                     Testout.txt         3
4                      Setup.txt          1

Here all are fine but How do I major followings :
1) Number of times downloaded
2) Number of times accessed
3) Downloads
4) Login / Logout time

The number of downloads is the number of ContentService.getReader audit facts for the document. You should be aware that this is the number of downloads from the server… and there may be caching on your network making it different from the number of clicks on the link.

For the login and logout times you should audit the AuthenticationService.authenticate method and AuthenticationService.deleteAuthentication methods.

I hope this could help you

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I need to make some reporting on my Alfresco repository, and I started from the 'Example Recursive Template' from the wiki ( I added some counters in my template, and everything goes fine, but when I'm launching my template on a bigger space (more than 2000 sub-items) the results are wrong. It seems that relaunching the template finally gets the right count:
here is the output:
Content of /Platform/Education and training on 2009-06-06 15:06:43 (Fri)
Project count: 1,872
Result count: 692
Content count: 379
Content of /Platform/Education and training on 2009-51-06 15:51:11 (Fri)
Project count: 2,347
Result count: 1,266
Content count: 398
Content of /Platform/Education and training on 2009-21-06 16:21:48 (Fri)
Project count: 2,347
Result count: 1,266
Content count: 398
How could the template issue a different count when relaunching?!? Any idea? Thanks
here is the (quite simple) code:
<#macro recurse_macro node depth>
<#if !node.type?ends_with("systemfolder")>
  <#if node.type?ends_with("project")><#assign projectCount= projectCount +1>
  <#elseif node.type?ends_with("result")><#assign resultCount= resultCount +1>
  <#elseif node.type?ends_with("content")><#assign contentCount= contentCount +1>
  <#if node.isContainer>
   <#list node.children as child>
      <#if node.children?size != 0 >
        <@recurse_macro node=child depth=depth+1/>

<#assign projectCount= 0>
<#assign resultCount= 0>
<#assign contentCount= 0>
<#assign datetimeformat="yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss (EEE)">
Content of <b>${space.displayPath}/${}</b> on ${date?string(datetimeformat)}</br>
<#list space.children as child>
  <@recurse_macro node=child depth=0/>

Project count: <b>${projectCount}</b></br>
Result count: <b>${resultCount}</b></br>
Content count: <b>${contentCount}</b></br>

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi cbosdonnat,
I'm not able to access your blog may it has been expired.
Please do needful to me.

Thanks again for your contribution.