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Custom Toolbar Action In Share 4.1.4

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I have an action that works on folder-browse which executes a script in the repository. I want the same functionality to work in the toolbar and below is what I have done:

1. backed-up and edited toolbar.get.config.xml and repo-toolbar.get.config.xml

and restarted. The action appears in the selected items dropdown but doesn't call webscript which executes the script when click it just refreshes.

Kind regards

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Unfortunately customizing the toolbar is a bit more involved than just adding some text to the config-file. Luckily partner Ixxus has written a blog post on how to do this some time ago:

Thanks for the response. I followed that blog accurately and I can add actions to the selected item drop-down by simply editing the share-custom-config.xml. The problem is when that action is executed from there toolbar it just refreshes doesn't seem to bind to the client-side javascript, but the very same action execute on folder-browse. Do you if the selected item drop-down list has been upgraded in the latest 4.1 release because I'm using 4.1.4.

Kind regards

I am actually on a lower version than you ( I am afraid you should either test on a 4.2 install or take the (considerable amount of) time to figure out exactly how the doclib actions work and trace the error Smiley Sad