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Custom toolbar action button

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi all,

I searched throughout forums looking for tutorials and found a lot which helped me get to where I am now. I want to add a custom button on the DocLib toolbar but have been unsuccessful with all the tutorial I went through, the button still does not show. Here is what I have now. I am currently editing the Alfresco OOTB files (I will create extension files later).

toolbar.js file:

onReady: function DLTB_onReady()
  this.widgets.exportToCSV = Alfresco.util.createYUIButton(this, "exportToCSV-button", this.onExportToCSV,
     disabled: true,
     title: this.msg("button.exportToCSV")

onExportToCSV: function DLTB_onExportToCSV(e, p_obj)
    text: this.msg("Export Button Clicked", "Export Button Clicked")

toolbar.lib.ftl file:

<div class="hideable toolbar-hidden DocListTree">
  <div class="export-To-CSV">
   <span id="${id}-exportToCSV-button" class="yui-button yui-push-button">
     <span class="first-child">
       <button name="exportToCSV">${msg("button.export_ToCSV")}</button>

At this time all I need is for the button to appear and popup a message when clicked. Is there something I am significantly missing.
Using Alfresco v4.2.2

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi please check the above url ,hope this will help you  .

Please mark comment as useful if it helps you

Raghav Bhardwaj