I've installed Alfresco 4.2.4 EE in JBoss 6.2.0.
In this we deployed as ear file through JBoss Console.
Now my requirement is what is the custom layer to develop the code in Jboss for share files(min.js, themes, etc)
I Know while developing in tomcat it is in like <blockcode> tomcat/shared/classes/META-INF/themes/greenTheme </blockcode>
But I need to know in JBoss 6.2.0 EE
webscripts I'm placing here
<blockcode> <JBOSS_HOME>\jboss-eap-6.2\modules\org\alfresco\configuration\main\alfresco\extension </blockcode>
& share files here
<blockcode><JBOSS_HOME>\jboss\jboss-eap-6.2\modules\org\alfresco\configuration\main\alfresco\web-extension </blockcode>
I not able to find where I need to place files related to min.js, css , themes etc..
Any one help please