I'd like to give this topic a bit attention again. My question is: where are the (share) filetypes defined, in special how are the *-16.png *-32.png icon files assigned to the documents. The naming-convention of the files seems to be "[FILEXTENSION]-file-16.png". So it occured to me: "Alfresco extracts the extension-string of an file and automatically looks for an .png file named with this extension, if true, the file gets the according icon, if false the file gets the generic icon". Am i right with this method are is it done otherwise?
In which script or xml are the filetype and icon assocations constructed? I tested to name a new filetype - e.g. "indd-file-32.png" - and put it in "tomcat6/webapps/share/components/images/filetypes/" where the other filetypes are stored and naively thought it would be assigned automatically - this was unfortunatly wrong.
I'm thankful for any help or tip!