12-22-2016 06:44 AM
I would like to ask if we can customize the callActiviti icon in the activiti designer? We want to call our custom worklfows against an icon in the palette. The reason we want to customize callActiviti is that we want our customers to use our custom designer extension and only use the processes that we support, for example:
We have a bpmn process A in which we are performing certain operations. We want to create a wrapper icon for this bpmn and expose it as a activiti icon in the designer so when a customer wants to perform that process he can use that custom icon.
Thank you in advance.
Junaid Jabbar
12-22-2016 12:10 PM
Activiti Enterprise offers the ability to customize stencilsets (palettes) for process and form designers.
The V6 Community Edition uses the same underlying structure, but doesn't expose the stencil editor functions (they code for stencil editors has actually been removed) however the stencil files still use the same format and the definition is stored in a resource file: stencilset_bpmn.json
The structure is relatively simple and we regularly add custom types and property types.
If you are using V5 and the eclipse editor, then this is much simpler as the mechanism to add custom palette items to the eclipse editor is documented in the users guide here: Activiti User Guide - Extending Activiti Designer
Hopefully this will get you where you need to be.
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