05-23-2012 10:14 AM
05-23-2012 11:18 AM
05-23-2012 12:11 PM
Hi, Nuno.
You are saying "Alfresco Repository" but you are talking about UI actions. There are two out-of-the-box user interfaces. One is called "Alfresco Explorer" and the other is called "Alfresco Share". Both support doing what you are trying to do. Usually, "Repository" is a back-end concept that has no user interface.
If you are adding your UI action to Share, take a look at this tutorial. If you are adding your UI action to Explorer you might look at Chapter 5 of the Alfresco Developer Guide. The accompanying code for the book lives here.
The wiki page you pointed to is about custom actions that make changes to a node. In your case, you aren't making a change to a node, you are gathering some information from the node and then redirecting the user to a specific link. So as you look at the wiki and the docs, you definitely want a "UI action" instead of a "rule action".
Hope that helps,
05-25-2012 06:03 AM
protected void addParameterDefinitions(List<ParameterDefinition> paramList) {
new ParameterDefinitionImpl( // Create a new parameter definition to add to the list
"file" // The name used to identify the parameter
DataTypeDefinition.CONTENT, // The parameter value type
true, // Indicates whether the parameter is mandatory
?????); // The parameters display label
05-25-2012 10:44 AM
05-25-2012 10:59 AM
05-25-2012 11:14 AM
05-29-2012 06:10 AM
<!– Actions –>
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions">
<action id="file-transfer" type="javascript" label="actions.document.file-transfer">
<param name="function">onActionSimpleRepoAction</param>
<param name="action">file-transfer</param>
05-29-2012 12:28 PM
<actionGroup id="document-browse">
<action index="500" id="someco-web-site" />
<action index="510" id="someco-web-enable" />
<action index="520" id="someco-web-disable" />
<actionGroup id="document-details">
<action index="500" id="someco-web-site" />
<action index="510" id="someco-web-enable" />
<action index="520" id="someco-web-disable" />
This would be added immediately following the closing "</actions>" tag. In the example above, I am adding three new actions to both the document list and to the document details page.05-31-2012 05:22 AM
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