Hi all. I'd like to have a suggestion on the best way to implement Custom Aspect Property whose values come from a database field. In other words the possible values of the custom aspect property cannot be entered freely but come from a database field with more then 5000 entries. Does exist a best practice to follow to put in place a such procedure? Or does anyone have any idea on how to do it? Thanks in advance, Carlo.
<!– Introduction of new namespaces defined by this model –> <!– NOTE: The following namespace custom.model should be changed to reflect your own namespace –> <namespaces> <namespace uri="custom.model" prefix="custom"/> </namespaces>
I've acces to my SQL Server 2005 database. So my custom property can get only permetted value froma my database.
I've wrote an application to write file in the repository (using API Web Services C#) with their "custom" meta-data.
Now the problem is how to refresh Alfresco to get database changing. Sometimes I tried to write file with databse updatated value for the custom property and I got an Integrity error for my Alfresco. The repository doesn't refresh the custom constraint with new value from db. How can I get the repository refreshed? Remember that the user doesn't access by the standard graphic interface but throw my custom application.