12-01-2006 12:02 AM
12-01-2006 03:59 AM
12-01-2006 07:39 AM
to customize login page look here :
To add custom icons for space look here :
I dont understand well about which icon you are speaking about on login page !
12-01-2006 07:47 AM
12-01-2006 07:53 AM
so you speak about browse.jsp not login.jsp. (page name in browser urlbar is always late of one page)
If you want change icons here, there is 2 ways :
- change in browse.jsp link to icons -> bad solution ( because that will change only on browse and not on others jsp and also that will be harder for you to upgrade)
- replace in <alfresco war>/images/icons alfresco icons by your own icons
-> its the best way but be careful to respect exactly same size and name!
I think web client don't provide way to customize icons except spaces icons.
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