Hello all,
I am currently looking to find out the Metadata about the document storage in Alfresco.
My ultimate Aim is to integrate the Alfresco with Enterprise System and make all the files in Alfresco downloadable from the Enterprise Search System. So that it can download all the files stored in alfresco and form a Centralized content indexing.
It can be done in 2 steps using the Webservices.
1. Get the details of the Alfresco Metadata ( document storage information required from Alfresco)
2. Get the details of the Actual Files. ( it will be stored in the metadata model defined in step 1)
In order to implement the first step I need to find out how the alfresco stores the document, its properties, autorization details , document URL's etc ?
Any help in this regard will be greatly appriciated.
Ravi Sharma