05-08-2012 10:09 PM
05-09-2012 01:06 PM
05-10-2012 04:25 PM
05-10-2012 05:03 PM
>>> folder = repo.getObject("workspace://SpacesStore/fbc78f8f-71e0-44df-a01f-f9418e1742aa")
>>> props = {}
>>> props['cmis:objectTypeId'] = 'D:dl:contact'
>>> props['dl:contactFirstName'] = 'Joe'
>>> folder.createDocument('test', properties=props)
<cmislib.model.Document object at 0x10d446290>
Regardless of the library you are using, the key is to make sure you are passing in a value for 'cmis:name' (mine is 'test" in this example) and the "cmisTags
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