Hello, when I m using this filters on HistoricTaskInstanceQuery: .or() .processVariableValueEquals("VarTest", "test") .taskAssignee("test") .endOr();
and ask HistoricTaskInstanceQuery for count(), it returns incorrect number. Seems some join in HistoricTaskInstance.xml is not correct. I tried to used the same select generated via api directly to database and it returns the rows with the same ACT_HI_TASKINST._ID.
Hi, I have the same issue. I used simple two conditions in OR. Returned list of HistoricTaskInstance is correct (for me is size 4). Only count is in this case wrong ( for me 140). Will be this issue fixed in next version?
But I was able to find it quite easy in some xml file of ibatis/mybatis that are used in activiti as I remember. Unfortunately I do not have access to this code anymore. So I cant help you much. But in case it' s not fixed yet, you can find it there.