I have a simple process with an eventBasedGateway. I have 2 intermediateCatchEvents after the gateway; one has a timer and the other has a messageEventDefinition ("userCallback"). I have a test; the test works. However, it seems wrong.
In my test, I create a process instance:
Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put("tempId", "ktm099");
ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("createUser", "bizKey", variables);
I query the Execution and apply the message, and this works. But I think my query is wrong. I expect to query for businessKey and messageEventSubscriptionName. But this does not work. I get null for my query. This does work:
Execution execution = runtimeService.createExecutionQuery()
.processVariableValueEquals("tempId", "ktm099")
Digging into this, I find that the engine holds 2 executions. The first has the businesKey but no messageEventSubscription. The second has the messageEventSubscription but businessKey is null.
I don't understand how Executions are related to process instances, so I am writing to ask if there is a pattern for this kind of correlation.