We are currently integrating an activity engine into our application. Since we use REST for all client-server communication we would like to use the activiti-rest module. We are using osgi with grizzly and jersey and so the current implementation of the REST api does not work for us.
The REST api is currently tightly bound to Restlet. I would like to propose that the rest-resources be converted to JAX-RS and JAXB and be kept on a different module of the current rest-webapp. This way both the current Restlet webapp can be kept and we can take advantage of it.
I think that a big plus for this approach is that any JAX-RS JAXB supporting Framework can be used for the REST api.
While it is true that restlet can be run on an OSGi environment we wouldn't like to add it because if we do we'll be using two different REST Frameworks in the same application.
I'm not suggesting a change in the REST framework used by the Activiti project. I'm simply trying to add the possibility of using any REST Framework instead of being forced to use Restlet. Restlet also supports JAX-RS and JAXB.
If you would like to follow the proposed changes, I've created a Pull Request at Github: https://github.com/lcavadas/Activiti/pull/1 I've only started it today so there isn't much done yet.
I am looking for a jersey implementation as well which automatically generates the application.wadl files based on tags in the java source. generating client stubs from the wadl file is not possible as of now, unless I haven't found it yet.