08-19-2016 04:02 AM
10-21-2016 08:47 AM
Hello I have several questions about the possibility of data conversion from MS SQL to al fresco
You can extend Alfresco for read contents from any data source and putting contents inside Alfresco using one of the APIs exposed by the platform, for example implementing a custom WebScripts.
Another approach could be based on an application that use a connection pool against MySQL and then create contents using for example the CMIS protocol inside Alfresco.
If you want a massive approach for a batch process, you can also consider to create on the file system your contents using the Bulk File System Import format.
This allows you then to import all the contents in a batch way all the content created and generated by your procedure based on MySQL:
Preparing the file system | Alfresco Documentation
How is possible to activate Office and scanner
If you need to import scanned images, Alfresco doesn't include any OCR engine, but you can consider to install Ephesoft and configure it for dropping scanned documents into Alfresco by using the CMIS protocol:
Linux Community edition - Ephesoft Inc.
Hope this helps
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