Thank you for the prompt reply.
I tried as you suggested and, indeed, by stopping tomcat before changing the permissions, then restarting tomcat, I was able to get alfreso to run properly after resetting permissions with:
cd /var/lib/alfresco/alf_data/contentstore
chmod -R go-rwx *
Howewer, when I uploaded a file through alfresco so that the file would make its way into the contentstore, I checked permissions again and that new file had the same open permissions as before:
cd /var/lib/alfresco/alf_data/contentstore
find . -type f -not -perm u=rw,g=,o= -exec ls -ld "{}" \;
-rw-r–r– 1 tomcat tomcat 1150 Nov 20 09:21 ./contentstore/2010/11/20/9/21/199dbb03-bda8-40d7-87a3-e148c5f1bde4.bin
So, I suppose the only way to address this going forward is with a cron job (shutdown tomcat, reset permissions, startup tomcat) or is there a more elegant alfresco way to do it, say with a (tomcat or lucene?) configuration parameter?