He creado un Javscript para ilustrar como puedes hacer esto, colocalo en data_dictionary/scripts y luego haces clic en accion ejecutar.
// AUTHOR: Antonio Soler, Alfresco Software 2013
//Before start I've manually created a "testsite" a group called "students" and a user called "teacher1"
//I added teacher1 as sitemanager of this testsite and gruop "students" as consumers
//Let's create 100 users with a javascript
for (i=0; i<=100; i++)
var testUser = people.createPerson("student"+i,"student"+i,"student"+i,"student"+i+"@test.net", "student"+i, true, true);
if (testUser){
// user account created
logger.log("created user "+ testUser.name);
// I add them to a group that I previously created
var mygroup = people.getGroup("GROUP_students");
for (i=0; i<=100; i++)
user = people.getPerson("student"+i);
people.addAuthority(mygroup, user);
logger.log("SUCCESS adding user "+ user.properties["cm:userName"]);
catch (ex){
logger.log(ex +"ERROR adding user "+ user.properties["cm:userName"]);
/// then I go to the base folder that I want to use to create each user "folder-mailbox"
var baseFolder =companyhome.childByNamePath("Sites/testsite/documentLibrary");
for each(var student in people.getMembers(mygroup)) {
var thisusername = student.properties["cm:userName"]; // I read the username
var thisuserfolder = baseFolder.createFolder(thisusername); // create a folder with their username
thisuserfolder.setInheritsPermissions(false) ; //remove inherited permisssions so no other user can see this folder
thisuserfolder.setPermission("Collaborator", thisusername ); //except the username
thisuserfolder.setPermission("Coordinator", "teacher1" ); //and his teacher