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Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
*** SOLUCION  *****

Crear Carpeta y subcarpeta en CompanyHome

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      // Start the session
      AuthenticationUtils.startSession(USERNAME, PASSWORD);

      try {

         // Referenciamos el nodo padre
         Reference SAMPLE_FOLDER = new Reference(STORE, null,"/app:company_home/cm:NodoRaid");

         try {
            // Check to see if the sample folder has already been created or
            // not
            WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().get(new Predicate(new Reference[] { SAMPLE_FOLDER }, STORE,null));

         catch (Exception exception) {

            // Referencia Raiz
            ParentReference parentReference = new ParentReference(STORE,null, "/app:company_home", Constants.ASSOC_CONTAINS,
                                              Constants.createQNameString(Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTENT_MODEL, "NodoRaid"));   

            // Create folder
            NamedValue[] properties = new NamedValue[] { Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.PROP_NAME,"Carpeta Raid") };
            CMLCreate create = new CMLCreate("1", parentReference, null,null, null, Constants.TYPE_FOLDER, properties);
            CML cml = new CML();
            cml.setCreate(new CMLCreate[] { create });
            UpdateResult[] results = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().update(cml);

            // Create parent reference to sample folder
            Reference Padre = results[0].getDestination();
            ParentReference parentReference2 = new ParentReference(STORE,Padre.getUuid(), null, Constants.ASSOC_CONTAINS,
                                             Constants.createQNameString(Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTENT_MODEL, "SubNodo"));

            // Create content
            NamedValue[] properties2 = new NamedValue[] { Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.PROP_NAME,"Subcarpeta") };
            CMLCreate create2 = new CMLCreate("1", parentReference2, null,null, null, Constants.TYPE_FOLDER, properties2);
            CML cml2 = new CML();
            cml2.setCreate(new CMLCreate[] { create2 });
            UpdateResult[] results2 = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().update(cml2);


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Supongo q te lo estara creando dentro de cm:sample_folder, debes quitarlo del reference para que te lo cree en el raiz home…


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Quiero crear un sistema de carpetas:

|           |–Sub1.1
|           |–Sub2.1

El problema viene que cuando creo Sub1.1 que no se obtener quien es el padre de Sub1
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