It must be a stupid question, because I didn't find anyone who asks it…
I have a custom space type. I'd like to configure a freemarker template for this type. Is it possible to do this in a XML configuration file ? Or do I need to develop a web client customization ? If so, how can I do this ?
Maybe i am not understanding exactly what you want to do, but you can add a FreeMarker template as a Custom View to any space using the web-client UI. You could also write a Javascript that searched for all objects of your custom type and added the view in code so you don't have to add it by hand to all objects.
Maybe it's ugly and you're thinking of a better way to do this ?
The JavaScript seems insteresting but I d'ont know how to do this in a script. If I choose your solution, do I have to reexecute the script every time a new sapce of my custom type is created ?