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Conditional Expression - Unknown Property error

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am working on making a very brief demo as a proof-of-concept for my company. I am trying to model a decision process for the location of an incoming trailer in a warehouse's yard. Based on specifications such as contents (will the item need to be refrigerated), length, weight, etc, the model will help a warehouse worker decide where to put the trailer. I have used service tasks to represent the attributes and make a decision since my company is hoping to integrate Activiti with the existing software. I am purely running a demo not integrated with our software but I made a simple Java class with a constructor and getter/setter methods for the attributes. For the "Refrigerated?" service task, I chose expression for the task type and entered "#{Trailer.isRefrigerated()}". I have run the unit test and no matter what I do, this always seems to be the culprit for the JUnit test failing. I have done research for about a week now, tried many options, and still have gotten no where. The console keeps pointing to that expression being an Unknown Property. Please help! I do not have much experience with Activiti and very limited knowledge of BPMNs in general. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Could you post your jUnit test (project)  to be able to reproduce error?