03-01-2013 06:00 AM
Since Activiti 5.9, the JobExecutor makes sure that jobs from a single process instance are never executed concurrently.
03-01-2013 06:05 AM
Service-Call: async=false, exclusive-job=true
03-01-2013 06:39 AM
The "exclusive-job=true" makes no sense when the activity is not async.
03-01-2013 01:27 PM
03-02-2013 04:01 AM
What happens if you make them all async and exclusive?all: async and exclusive=true
04-26-2013 01:21 PM
04-29-2013 08:08 AM
04-29-2013 09:14 AM
04-30-2013 05:11 AM
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